New class “Burst” added

Burst envelope

A new class “Burst” has been added to enable static models to be more dynamic.

The existing static models (wind, sun intensity and consumer demand) have a sample rate of one per hour simulation time, with intermediate values being linearly interpolated. This doesn’t create enough “action”, as most people’s attention span is measured in minutes (at most), rather than hours. 

Burst was invented to create random short term events of the order of tens of seconds. The model is based on the ADSR midi note envelope (attack, decay, sustain and release), but without the decay bit (see diagram above). Every aspect of the burst is randomised: start time, attack time, sustain time, release time and maximum height, all configurable.

Any Burst can be used additively/subtractively, as a factor/divisor or even exponentially. Three instances have been implemented:

  • Gust (of wind)
  • Cloud
  • Surge (in consumer demand)

This has been successful in making the whole dynamic more interesting and attention grabbing.

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